A Brief Biography of Howard Whitehouse, former paperboy and street musician and future international publishing phenomenon.
Howard Whitehouse was born in Birmingham, England on April 13 1958. He began school, as many children do, and didn’t much like it. They made him keep going, though, and after a mere four or five years settled in and got good marks. He enjoyed creative writing (they didn’t call it that) and was a master of the three-to- four page adventure story, by and for nine year olds. In fact, he couldn’t write anything else, and even when the assignment was to write a Christmas scene, there would at least be some villains lurking behind Santa’s sleigh.
As punishment for being the brightest kid in his class, young Whitehouse won a scholarship to King Edward VI School, which had been founded in 1552, and kept the same staff all that time. JRR Tolkien had been there as a boy. After years of repression, Howard escaped to get a B.A. at the University of Warwick.
After graduating in 1981, he took a job working with kids in trouble, most of it of their own making. Since Howard found these kids – mostly teenagers- immensely entertaining, this became his career for eighteen years. He met and married Lori, and moved to Savannah Ga. Since that time the happy couple have lived in Georgia, Toronto, and most recently New York’s Hudson Valley. Lori is an ordained minister and church historian, with a PhD from The University of Toronto. They share a 1900 era manse opposite the church, while Howard clutters up the place with model soldiers, miniature buildings and himself. Ursula the tabby cat supervises his efforts.
For many years Howard’s writing was purely non fiction, mostly military history for small hobby magazines. He designed games, and wrote two books , ‘Battle in Africa 1879-1914’ (1988) and ‘A Widow making War’ (1995). He was asked to write for a commercial project called ‘Space 1889’, which first gave him a chance to make up what is sometimes known as ‘alternative history’. This was an eye opener, since it was really historical fiction with a bizarre sci-fi angle to it. He began to explore fantastic worlds of lost cities, mad scientists and evil overlords, all with excellent manners and a proper sense of Victorian decorum.
‘The Strictest School in the World’ is Howard’s first book for Young Persons of Discerning Taste. More will follow.